Idag är det presidentval i Filippinerna...Time for a change...

...må den bäste och ärlige vinner. En man som ska leda Filippinerna ur korruption och fattigdom. Det låter kanske omöjligt med tanke på den Filippinska politiska kulturen om att "roffar åt sig" girigt och så mycket som möjligt utan att visa något samvete under sitt mandatperiod. Filippinerna är en "Vampire State", betecking på en korrupt regering som suger ut förmögenhet och moralen av hela landet. Jag hoppas verkligen, till den som vinner detta valet, tar Filippinerna i någon annan höjd av förändring . Man kan bara önskas och hoppas. Så länge det finns hopp det finns alltid en chans!

...may the best and honest politician win the Presidential Election. A man that can lead Philippines out of corruption and poverty. it sounds impossible with the thought of politicians culture of rampant corruption. Philippines has a Vampire State, it is and always has been, a goverment who  drains out the capital resources and the morals of the people.
I hope with all of my heart that this election will bring a new sort of political breed that will take Philippines to a new height of changes! One could only wish and hope and if there is hope there is always a chance!

FB Updates av några filipinska vänner:

Josephine Dailisan-Legados: have already exercised my right and my responsibility to vote, but how i wish there's a secured way of verifying that my vote was counted. not just the PCOS saying "congratulations...".

Dinah Paguntalan: Let's all pray for an honest, peaceful and orderly election today. Let's all go out and vote!

Gilmar Ropero: I am a patriot, I love my country.... Because my country is all I know... And I ain't no communist, And I ain't no socialist, And I ain't no capitalist And I ain't no imperialist, And I ain't no liberal, Sure ain't no nationalista either I only know one party, and that is freedom..... and Freedom - is to exercise your right to vote!.... \m/

Myself: Hoping for an honest and clean election in Philippines THIS TIME!!!

Mark Polines: God bless the Philippines..... I pray that the people will elect someone who fears the Lord.... and will serve the people...


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