Life is dancing again!...


Vädret håller på ta livet av mig...This weather is killing me...

10 MAY 2010

This fricking weather is taking the life out of me. Why can't it be just sunny all the time? Are we doom to have this kind of weather this season?!

When I was living in Philippines I didn't care if it was sunny or rainy day. The things that most occupied my mind was surviving the day. Like when would I get our next meal, a meal for four person. Even it was so hard living that time I was SO HAPPY in a way. I have relatives and friends around me that I could run for help for. And now, in my present world, in Europe, I feel so alone but the food is an abundant and I know for sure that I will have my meals that would stretch for the whole month but still I'm NOT HAPPY. Is it the weather or is it me or the world I'm living in that is making me so unhappy? I THINK I SHOULD LOOK BACK AND STARTS TO COUNT MY BLESSING and stop being so fricking melodramatic!!!

I was in Gr. 2, 8 yr old, 1979, Quezon City, Philippines. I'm on the 3rd row beside the girl with a striped shirt oh her right. This old picture was uploaded by an old classmate.

Idag är det presidentval i Filippinerna...Time for a change...

...må den bäste och ärlige vinner. En man som ska leda Filippinerna ur korruption och fattigdom. Det låter kanske omöjligt med tanke på den Filippinska politiska kulturen om att "roffar åt sig" girigt och så mycket som möjligt utan att visa något samvete under sitt mandatperiod. Filippinerna är en "Vampire State", betecking på en korrupt regering som suger ut förmögenhet och moralen av hela landet. Jag hoppas verkligen, till den som vinner detta valet, tar Filippinerna i någon annan höjd av förändring . Man kan bara önskas och hoppas. Så länge det finns hopp det finns alltid en chans!

...may the best and honest politician win the Presidential Election. A man that can lead Philippines out of corruption and poverty. it sounds impossible with the thought of politicians culture of rampant corruption. Philippines has a Vampire State, it is and always has been, a goverment who  drains out the capital resources and the morals of the people.
I hope with all of my heart that this election will bring a new sort of political breed that will take Philippines to a new height of changes! One could only wish and hope and if there is hope there is always a chance!

FB Updates av några filipinska vänner:

Josephine Dailisan-Legados: have already exercised my right and my responsibility to vote, but how i wish there's a secured way of verifying that my vote was counted. not just the PCOS saying "congratulations...".

Dinah Paguntalan: Let's all pray for an honest, peaceful and orderly election today. Let's all go out and vote!

Gilmar Ropero: I am a patriot, I love my country.... Because my country is all I know... And I ain't no communist, And I ain't no socialist, And I ain't no capitalist And I ain't no imperialist, And I ain't no liberal, Sure ain't no nationalista either I only know one party, and that is freedom..... and Freedom - is to exercise your right to vote!.... \m/

Myself: Hoping for an honest and clean election in Philippines THIS TIME!!!

Mark Polines: God bless the Philippines..... I pray that the people will elect someone who fears the Lord.... and will serve the people...

Ska öppna vild park...Will open up a wild park soon...

Jag tror jag kommer att öppna egen vild park inom kort. Vilda djur kommer och går i våran tomt. Dags att tjäna pengar på dem. Det finns ingen grattis skjuts här i världen. Även gräsen kostar. ;-)

Time to cash in some money from these wild animals that come and go on our place. There is nothing free in this world. Even the grasses are not free.

Rosor från mitt Hjärta...Roses fr my sweetheart...

Roses for a change. Instead of my favorite flower, tulip, I got red roses. These roses have even name. It called Red Calypso, Honestly Red.

Mina sommar hyresgäster...My summer tenants...

De här paret hyrs åt mig,  Herr och Fru Vild von Anka. Även att de stamma från ädel familj, väljer de bo enkelt under våran bro. De kommer på våren, stannar hela sommaren och checkar ut på hösten. De hjälper mig att få bort  ohyra i trädgården och gräsmattan. De äter upp mördarsniglar och det är jag väldigt tacksam för.

These couple of wild ducks rent a place under our bridge, Mr & Mrs Wild von Duck. They come yearly during the spring and stay the whole summer and check out on autumn. They even help me with the garden. Cleaning the garden with all the garden pests like spanish snails that could it up the whole garden for a night. What more could a landlord ask for!

Bäver är skyldig...Beaver at large...

Bäverfamiljen är säkert skyldig till detta.

This must be the work of the beavers family. They are still in the neighborhood!


Hej Farmor!

Tack för rutschkanan! Ska försöka inte slå skallen av mig! :-D

Stora kramar,
Lille Hugo

Dear Granny,

Thanks a lot for the slide! I will try not to break my head! :

Huge Hugs,

Little Hugo

Orkidé från Kalmar...Orchid from Kalmar...

Hugo farfar och farmor kom på besök förra helgen och dem tog med sig blommiga orkidé från Kalmar! Stor tack! De är jätte fina!

Hugo's grandparents came for a visit last weekend and they took with them a wondeful orchid from Kalmar. Lovely Lovely Lovely!

Sorligt eller roligt?..Funny or it is just so sad?...

Såg denna skylten när jag promenerade med Hugo igår. Jag vet ej om jag skulle skratta eller ilskna. De som har sätt upp skylten var ju säkert trött på att det dumpas alla möjliga skärpt i den än det borde vara. Men måste man ha sådana nedlåtande skyltt? Är det så nödigt kan man fråga? Vad tycker du?

Saw this signboard when I took a walk with Hugo yesterday. I did get mixed feelings, I'm not sure if I'm going to laugh or get offended. I'm sure that whoever set this signboard up was so tired of people throwing things that were not meant for this trash container. But is it so necessary to have this kind of offending signboard? What do you think?

The sinful container!


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